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Men In Black
Date 1950s Until Today
Place: Worldwide

Robert Richardson was driving through Ohio late one summer evening in 1967. As he rounded a bend, he saw a bright, glowing object blocking the road in front of him. He could not brake in time. Robert hit the object, which promptly vanished. He was shaken and dazed. Had he collided with an alien spacecraft? Searching the crash site later, Robert found a piece of dull silver metal from the object. He sent the metal to UFO researchers and thought that would be the end of the incident. He was wrong.

A few days later, at 11 o’clock in the evening, two men appeared at Robert’s home. They were wearing dark suits with white shirts and black ties. Everything about the men seemed menacing. They did not tell Robert who they were. The men tried to persuade Robert that the crash had never happened. When he stuck to his story, they became angry and said his wife would suffer if he didn’t give them the metal.

As the men drove away in a black Cadillac, Robert made note of their license number. He was frightened enough to get in touch with the UFO researchers and ask them to return the metal to him. But the men in Black never came back. And when he checked the car’s license plate, he found that it had never been issued.

Another strange Men in Black incident happened in September 1976. Dr. Herbert Hopkins, who was investigating UFO abduction in Maine received from a man, dressed in a black suit and tie. The man’s skin was unnaturally white and his lips were bright red. He was completely bald. He talked for a while about UFOs. Then he pulled a coin from his pocket and made it fade out of focus and vanish in front of the Doctors eyes.

“Neither you nor anyone else on this planet will see that coin again,” he said. The strange man warned Dr. Hopkins that he should stop working with UFO witnesses, then left. Dr., Hopkins was so frightened that he gave up his UFO work forever. Men in black have been seen all over the world, but there are known cases in which they have carried out their threats.

Many think they are a product of people’s imaginations. But reports them worldwide are strangely similar. Can so many independent witnesses have made up the same things? Some people think the men in Black are government department will admit that they exist. The men in Black are as mysterious as they are menacing. If you see a UFO, be warned-you may get a visit from a Man in Black!

Philip Brooks

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