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The Evil Sock Monkey Conspiracy

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Socks go missing everyday from our washers and dryers. Maybe they fell out of the laundry basket, maybe you overlooked them. The socks disappear, never to be seen again. You can keep lying to yourself about where the socks go, but I know the truth. Click on the links to find out more about the Evil Sock Monkey Conspiracy...

Greetings, True Believers and Cynical Skeptics. After braving three years in a trecherous prison run by the elite Sock Monkey Militia, I have finally broken free. It is with great joy that I return to the web with more hideous secrets than ever before. In the next few weeks substantial updates will be made to this site. If anyone knows of major monkey activity, please e-mail me at my new address:

The absolute FIRST evil sock monkey site on the web

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