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Peter Bever/Biber/Biever


Perhaps you and I, for it is only the few, will ever live to celebrate, as did Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bever Monday night, our golden wedding. Fifty years is a long span in life for two people to share each others joys and sorrows and yet to look back upon, it is only a stepping stone to the great divide. On May 19th, 1862, in Washington county, this state, Miss Elizabeth Homman became the wife of Peter Bever, and the marriage vows then taken have lengthened into years until the fiftieth has been reached. Monday night in the presence of a company of relatives and friends the scene that took place fifty years ago was duly celebrated. Saenger hall was fittingly decorated for the occasion and amid music, dancing and good cheer, the lapse of years was forgotten and all were young again.

Mr. and Mrs. Bever came to Marshfield 29 years ago and have resided here continuosly with the exception of four years which were spent in Grand Rapids during Mr. Bever's two terms in office as county treasure, from 1900 to 1904. Returning to Marshfield, Mr. Bever in connection with his other business as manufacturer of soft drinks and cigars served the city five years as assessor. For several years past he has devoted his time to the manufacture of cigars, conducting a small grocery in connection. With his amiable wife, both Mr. and Mrs. Bever have had their share of worldly troubles but through all they have preserved a family name that entitles them to a place among Marshfield's pioneer and respected citizens.

As stated in last week's Hearld, Mr. and Mrs. Bever have twelve living children, thirty-three grand children and one great-grand-child. All of the children except Mrs. Abitz and Mrs. Hirsch of Wausau and Peter Bever of Duluth, Minn., were present Monday night and together with their families it made a good sized Bever colony.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Bever are of good old German stock coming to this country in early childhood. Mr Bever was 74 years old May 1st and Mrs. 70 years old February 9th. Considering their age both are still hale and hearty and take as active part in business and household affairs. May many days and years of health and happiness yet be theirs is the wish of the Herald.

Marshfield Times, Bussiness Section 1883


Has for a number of years past been known to our citizens in several business enterprises. He came here seven years ago and soon engaged in the hotel business in which for one year he was known as one of our most genial landlords. He sold out in this six years ago and is now engaged in manufacturing cigars. He is also the owner of the Marshfield Pop Factory and a dealer in ice. In the pop department he manufactures everything in that line, such as pop, birch beer, seltzer, and the popular brands of cigars made are Lily Pure, Base Hit, High Flyer, and Once Again. He has two ice houses, one 24x64 feet and the other 20x50 feet, from which comes the city's supply of ice. Mr. Bever gives employment to several persons. He was born in Germany and has that energy and thrift common to his nation. He has been assessor for the past five years, and his name is now being associated with one our leading county offices. In closing we will say that Mr. Bever is well regarded and is, as well, known from one end of the county to the other.

Mashfield Herald - July 3, 1912


Peter Bever, the veteran Marshfield cigar manufacturer, died suddenly on Wednesday of last week, suffering a shock to which he succumbed at 6:45 am. Mr. Bever was taken sick at Grand Rapids Tuesday but came home that night all right and retired at his home, the final shock coming during the morning hours. The funeral was held Saturday morning from St. Johns Church, Rev. Fr. Volz conducting the service. Deceased was 74 years of age, a native of Germany. He first came to the vicinity of Milwaukee on emigrating to this country and was married at Schleisingervillein 1862 to Elizabeth Hamman. They came to Marshfield 29 years ago, establishing a cigar factory and bottling works. Mr. Bever served as County Treasuer from 1900 to 1904 and has held other important offices of trust. He is survived by his aged wife and the following sons and daughters: Arthur, Arnold, Nick, Anton, John and Mrs. Mary Christman all of this city; Jacob Bever and Mrs. B Cumings of Grand Rapids; Mrs. S. Britten, Rib lake; Peter Bever of Deluth; and Mesdames Hirsch and Abitz of Wausau. Mr. Bever was one of the sturdy German pioneers who have done so much for the up-building of Centeral Wisconsin and was ever a hard working and public spirited citizen. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of many friends.

  • Father : John/Johann/Johannes/Joannes Biever/Biver
  • Mother : Elizabeth Weller
  • Birth date : May 1, 1838
  • Born at : Borg, Saarburg, Prussia
  • Occupation : Cigar & Soda Manufacturer
  • Married : Elizabeth Homan/Hammom/Hammond
  • Marriage date : May 19, 1862
  • Married at : St. Peters Catholic Church, Schleisingervillein (Known now as Slinger), Washington Co., Wisconsin
  • Death date : June 21, 1912
  • Buried at : Gate of Heaven (catholic) Cemetary Marshfield, Wood Co., Wisconsin
  • Cause of death : Heart Failur
  • Children :
    Elizabeth Bever
    Mary E. Bever
    Peter Bever Jr.
    Nicholas Bever
    Suzanna (Anna) Bever
    Joseph/Jacob/Jack Bever
    Anton (Tony) Bever
    Magdalena (Lena or Lil) Bever
    Katherine (Kate) Bever
    Henry Bever
    Arthur Anthony Bever
    Arnold W. Bever
    John Bever

    The Bever Men at Work.
    The Bever Family.


    Birth-Death Certificate; Obituary; Joseph and Mary Bever and Elroy Bever.
    Marriage-Obituary; 50th Anniversary write-up; Joseph and Mary Bever and Elroy Bever.
    50th Anniversary-The Marshfield Herald - May 25, 1912 (Joseph and Mary Bever).
    Death-Wood Co. Reg. of Deeds, Volume 6, Page 108; death index; death certificate; Obituary; Joseph and Mary Bever and Elroy Bever.
    Buried-Death Certificate; Joseph and Mary Bever and Elroy Bever.
    Obituary-Mashfield Herald - July 3, 1912 (Joseph and Mary Bever).
    Other-Wisconsin Census 1880 Outagamie Co. (Joseph and Mary Bever); Marshfield Times Edition, Business Section-1883; Obituary; Mary's marriage certificate; Jacob's marriage certificate; Magdalena's marriage certificate; Anthony's marriage certificate; Nicholas's marriage certificate; Elizabeth's marriage certificate; Katherine's marriage certificate; Arthur's marriage certificate; Arnold's marriage certificate; Nicholas's death certificate; Arthur's death certificate; Anton's death certificate; Joseph/Jacob's death certificate and Joseph and Mary Bever and Elroy Bever.

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    Osborn Home Page.
    Stanley and Shore Home Page.
    Weller first names.