A Review of Tabor-Taber Genealogy from Philip Taber (1605-72) to Church Tabor (1754-1835) and Detailed Genealogy of Descendants of Church's son, John Tabor
(1795-1844) by Clifford Clark Tabor and a Detailed Genealogy of Descendants of Church's son, James Madison Tabor (1809-1888) by Brian Howard Tabor.
It is believed all the Tabers/Tabors in America of English descent are descended from Philip Taber. The book gives good background information on the name and the coat of arms plus proof of direct connection to descendants of the Mayflower through Philip's son Philip.
A Tabor Saga is available from
Sharon Tabor Warren,
Post Office Box 520,
Monroe, Virginia 24574-0520
(804) 384-0909; Fax (804) 384-8091;
e-mail sharon@staborwarren.com
$8.00 postpaid. Contributions to nonprofit organizations and genealogical collections considered. Discounts available for multiple copy orders. Also available, for SASE (9x12) with $.99 postage, is a spreadsheet of queries received since 1982. Links to others searching a particular branch may be there.
All research notes, pictures, etc., of C.C. Tabor, were donated to the Jones Memorial Library (a genealogical collection), 2311 Memorial Avenue, Lynchburg VA 24501; 804 846-0501. The library offers research services.
Locally, Tabor genealogy has been done on Virginia Tabors by Ms. Bouchelle, c/o Jennifer Tabor Schmidt, Route 1, Concord VA 24538; 804-993-3239.
Taber Genealogy - Descendants of Joseph and Philip, sons of Philip Taber, from Rhode Island, Connecticut and Long Island - Anna Allen Wright and Albert Hazen Wright, 1952. (This is Part I and covers generations 1-4 in America.) Library of Congress Card No. 16715; LDS Genealogical Library No. 929,2753.
Part II of above covers generations 5-11, published 1957.
The Taber/Tabor Tree - a quarterly newsletter on descendants of Philip Taber, published by Dan Taber, Riverview Office Tower, Suite 965, Minneapolis MN
55425. Welcomes contributions, questions; contact Dan.
A Sacred Deposit - a history of the construction of the Town House in Washington NH. Church Tabor (6) mentioned frequently as one of the chief workmen. Published 1989. Contact Gwen Gaskell, Box 300, Washington NH 03280; $9 in 1992.