This page was made in memory of one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. My 9th grade World Cultures teacher, Mr. Gagliardi, was sadly taken from us during the 99-00 school year. His passing away brought sadness and tears to all who knew him. He is, and will be, very sorely missed. For those of you who knew Mr. G, you know what I mean by all of this. I will never forget his "duck from a cursive S," the "Defunct Soviet Union," "blank, draw a blank," "copy the box," or just talking with him about the Flyers. If you ever needed someone to talk to, Mr. G was always there for you. I can't seem to remember a single moment in which he was angry or yelling. He was just an all-around great person.
Rest in Peace Mr. G, we miss you.