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April Dawn Gwaltney

In Loving Memory
of our darling. Daughter of Dale
and Rosemary Gwaltney. Our hearts' desire; the
daughter of our dearest love. Our tiny
dancer, our miniature ballerina
who made our hearts sing for
all the precious months
of her life.
Born still
on April 1st, 1976.

Sleeping, but never forgotten.
We'll be together forever, our precious
baby girl, in Heaven, when God calls us home.

Twenty-four years are just a second's breath. I'll
I'll never forget the feel of your tiny warm
body in my arms, and your bitter death.
The loss of you will haunt me all
my earthly years. You will be
forever our beloved baby.

This poem, "Not Quite Yet Born"
is by April's daddy, (C) 2000 Dale W. Gwaltney
about losing our little girl.

April was the youngest child of three.
Her older brother was Dale Juan Christopher Gwaltney. Born and died in 1973.
Her older sister was Holly Rosetta Kathleen Gwaltney. Born and died in 1974.

Words for April, by her mommy,
Rosemary J. Gwaltney.

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