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You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
- Dr. Seuss


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Philosophy & Religion

In Association with

Rebels and Devils: The Psychology of Liberation

edited by Christopher S. Hyatt, with contributions by William S. Burroughs, Alister Crowley, Timothy Leary, et al....This book is crazy! It's full of essays, poetry and artwork by tons of famous and infamous "outside the box" thinkers. These are people who, in some cases have been vilified by their dedication to liberation. A must-read for anyone who wants inspiration to just be who they are.

usually ships in 3-5 weeks, as this is an obscure book and on backorder

$15.26 -- you save 15%

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by Paul Kurtz...A good friend gave me this book when he finally got sick of my incessant study of religions. It's a very well written argument for why we fall into the "trap" of wanting religion in our lives and why we need to stop. It didn't bring me around, but I still liked this book.

usually ships in 1-2 weeks

Pub. 1991


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The Basketball Diaries

by James Carroll...I'm calling this philosophy because it's a journal/autobiography of a junkie kid who plays basketball sometimes. It's very gritty, and it reminds me a little of Catcher in the Rye. Highly recommended.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1995

paperback $9.56 -- you save 20%

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by Herman Hesse...My copy is from 1963, I think, and on the inside cover is written from one friend to another something about "the incredible journey of life" and "the adventure of discovery". I laugh, because it's so hippy, but really, this is the story of young Siddhartha and his discovery of the important things in life.

usually ships in 24 hours

hardcover Pub.1951

$11.87 - you save 30%

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paperback Pub. 1982

$4.40 - you save 20%

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