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Women's Studies

In Association with

The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to 1870

by Gerda Lerner...I read this book at my first college, which was a few years ago. I've saved it because it's an exhaustive study of how women became more aware. Well written, and very thorough.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1994

paperback $13.56 - you save 20%

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History of Ideas on Women: A Source Book

edited by Rosemary Agonito...This is a collection of essays and excerpts on women, by the "great thinkers" throughout history. From Aristotle to John the Babtist, it's here. You'll be amazed at what's been written and believed to be true.

usually ships in 2-3 days

Pub. 1978

paperback $13.56 - you save 15%

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For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts Advice to Women

by Barbara Ehrenreich and Dierdre English...This book would be funny if it weren't all true. If you thought you knew all the horrible and demented things "experts" had told us over the years, you don't know the half! You'll be angry and astounded. We've come a long way, but not so very far according to this book.

usually ships in 2-3 days

Pub. 1989

paperback $10.36 - you save 20%

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The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women

edited by Gilbert and Gubar...Everyone knows Norton's...pretty all inclusive literature by women.

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1996

paperback $54.00

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Woman: An Intimate Geography

by Natalie Angier...This is a great book! It's by a science writer, but she writes for everyone. It's all about the physicalities of being a woman. Great, thorough, and insightful. Must have!

usually ships in 24 hours

Pub. 1999

paperback $12.00 -- you save 20%

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hardcover $17.50 -- you save 30%

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