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Chapter 4 - The Day Of The Move

Three weeks had passed. Laurie watched her things be loaded into the van, box by box. Taylor wrote her a few times. He said that he was sorry she had to leave St. Louis, but he lived right in Glenpool, so maybe they'd get to see each other when Hanson wasn't on tour. He then went on to tell her about some fun stuff to do in Tulsa.

Laurie felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around. "Oh, Halley, I'm going to miss you so much!" Laurie wailed.

"I'm going to miss you too! Promise you'll write?"

"Everyday. I'll call as much as possible and I'm sure we'll get to visit a lot."

"I know, but it's not the same. 10th grade won't be the same without you!"

"I know. I didn't even get to tell some of those people good bye, I just have to pick up and leave."

"Do you have everyone's addresses?"

"Just about. You can e-mail me some peoples if I didn't get theirs."


Halley and Laurie probably would have talked forever if Mr. Woodman hadn't came over.

"Laurie, it's time to go."

"Oh, dad!" Laurie looked over at Halley. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you soon," she said.

Halley gave Laurie a big hug. "Laurie, I'll miss you."

Laurie hugged her back. "I'll miss you, too."

Laurie hopped into the back seat of the car next to Mike. She waved to Halley until the car turned the corner and they couldn't see anymore.

The drive to the airport took awhile. Laurie's family was going to fly down and the movers would drive the car down as they did with the other one yesterday. They only had carry on bags, so they were able to go straight to the gate and wait.

Laurie turned to her mom. "Mom, when are they going to start boarding?" She asked impatiently.

"We have about 30 minutes."

"Enough time for me to go get a book?"

"Yes, hurry up."

Laurie sprang up. She headed for the nearest store. She shuffled through the books for so long that a clerk came up to her.

"May I help you?" she asked pleasantly.

"No, that's okay. Thank you." Laurie flipped through the racks and chose a book by one of her favorite authors. She put the book up on the counter.

"Okay, that's one book, one bag of Lemon Heads, that'll be $5.00 even," the clerk said. Laurie handed the clerk a 5 dollar bill and took her purchases and left. She met her mom at their seats and she sat down.

"Find a good book?" she asked.

"Yeah," said Laurie.

Andy and Mike started to get into a fight. Mrs. Woodman had her hands busy after that. Laurie sighed and sat back, wondering what Glenpool would be like. Finally, after what seemed like hours and hours of waiting, they finally started to board for the trip.

"Flight 405 from St. Louis to Tulsa is ready to board," said a flight attendant. Laurie and her family got up and entered the plane. Laurie had the window seat, with Mike on her right. Her parents were on the other side with Mike sitting in between them.

Andy sighed. "Man, I'm going to miss St. Louis."

Laurie looked at him. "I thought you were excited about going to Tulsa," she said.

"Glenpool," Andy corrected her. "And, I'm not really very excited. I mean, I'm leaving my friends that I've known practically forever. I'm leaving my high school, my girlfriend, my home, everything."

"I know how you feel," said Laurie. "But, we'll make new friends in Glenpool, I'm sure the high school will be nice, you can find a new girlfriend, and our new home is probably pretty nice."

"I know, but it won't be the same. Also, what if everything isn't nice? What if the school is terrible, the kids are snobs or dorks, I don't get another girlfriend for the rest of my life, and our home isn't nice?"

"But what if you're worrying over nothing?" Asked Laurie.

Andy sighed again and leaned back against the seat. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said.

"Hold on for a second, can I get my tape recorder out? Because I believe that that is the first time you have ever said that I was right," joked Laurie.

Andy cracked a small smile. "There's a first time for everything."

Chapter 5
Chapter 3
I Knew Them When
Kelly's Hanson Stories