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Cute And/Or Funny

Did you know that God has a sense of humor?
Here is a story from the Bible that tells of
how God's sense of humor was played out
and witnessed by a family that had 12 sons.

Gen. 37: Tells the story about a 17 year old boy
that had a dream. The dream was about how
his older brothers would bow down to
him in great respect. This made the brothers
very angry at his foolishness. So they sold him as
a slave and he was taken to Egypt.

Many years later....The land was in despair and

drought. The brothers had to travel to Egypt
to try and get grain. There they met a great
man, and that man saved them from starvation.

They didn't know that the man helping them was

the brother they had sold into slavery. (I guess the
dream of a foolish boy wasn't so foolish after all.)
So you see God does have a sense of humor. This
is only one story in the Bible that shows God's
humor and the love He has for those that serve him.

For most of my poetry Jesus

has been my inspiration.
For some He helps me to put
funny situations into words of beauty.

An Ironic Theft
Gone Fishin
He Loves Me
The Squirrel

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