
If you want your link up here, send it to me.

Song playing: Take A Bow by Madonna.

Bombanya's Jellicle Rebels


Stratyon's Site

Trude's Junkyard

Bombalurina's Page

Goldenjaguar's House

Etcetera's World of Cats

Sailor Cresent Moon's Hideout my friend Kit's site! Kit is a really good friend of mine, one of my best friends so stop by. Tell her Mali said to... *G*

Tomasia's Magazine my good friend Tommi's site! Go check it out! Tommi is another one of my best friends.

The Official John Partridge web page

Cadamine's CATS Fanatics a really groovy site! it has great fan fics!

Cassandra's Cove this has lots of pictures of Cassandra and sound waves. It hasn't been updated in a LONG time though. Wha happened??

Marzipan's Jellicle Litter Marzipan has a great page.

Jemima's Homepage

The World of Jellicle Cats this has all the info on Grizabella you could ever want! I love it!

Rumpleteazer's Hideout this page has it all! sound waves, pictures, post cards and more!

Munkustrap Kitty's CATS Layer pretty interesting..... another site I love

Tantomile's Trove of Cats pretty groovy, and it also has a shrine to Coricopat

Sootaput's Cats Page I love Sooty's site. it has outstanding fan fiction, and a really cool message board which I post at

Ultimately Mr.Mistoffelees! everywhere you go its Mistoffelees! Its one of my favorite sites, and also has funny fan fiction

Mistohunny's Domicile has character profiles, links, poems by T.S. Elliot and lots more!

Exploring the Unknown the ULTIMATE page for fan fics! if you haven't already been there, go there now! I demand it!

Ahdeya's CATS Page! Ahdeya has a great fan fic, pictures of the london cast and the Sweden cast of cats and lots of other groovy stuff!

CATS a cool site with a section on Jacob Brent! I love it!

Etcetera's Lair has an RPG page, sounds, and more. pretty groovy!

Little Demeter's Jellicle Fanfiction woo hoo! another fan fic keeper!

Ozabub's Jellicle Cats Haven

Bombalurina's Alley

Demeter's CATS Junkyard

Demeter's Lair

Bombalurina's Jellicle Junkyard

The Palace of the Jellicle Moon Kingdom

Victoria Grove wow!

The Jellicle Ball cool site but hasn't been updated in a while.

Cats Paws has a fan club and a section on Jacob Brent.

Drew Varley Fan Club! exactly what it says.

Skimbleshank's Station hey neato! you don't see too many sites out there dealing with Skimble.

Jemima and Electra's Jellicle Junkyard a new site, promising though, pretty neat.

Past the Jellicle Moon: Kashmir's Fanfic Colletion oooohhhh yet another fan fic keeper!

BlueBell's Jellicle Library yipee! another one!!!!

Jemima's Korner has an about Jemima page and about Veerle page. pretty stelar

Allegorical Cats Tumblebrutus' early fics! this page has quiet a few fan fics on it.