The aim of this document is to help ISP students taking IB Biology classes to prepare for in-class and external examinations. All IB Biology questions (excluding multiple-choice items) begin with an action verb. The action verbs "indicate the depth of treatment requird for a given statement". It is important that students are familiar with the meaning of these terms(IB Biology Programme, 2001).
Define: give a precise meaning of a word or phrase as concisely as possible.
Define: clearly represent (appropriate size, location,patterns, structures) by means of pencil lines; add labels unless told not to do so.
List: give a sequence of names or other brief answers with no elaboration, each one clearly separated from others
Measure: find a value for a quantity
State: give a specific name, value or other brief answer (no supporting argument of calculation necessary)
Annotate: add brief notes to a diagram, drawing or graph
Apply: use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in a new situtation
Calculate: find and answer using mathematical methods. Show your work unless told no to do so
Compare: give an account of similarities and differences between two of more terms; could be done by means of a table
Describe: give a detailed account, including all the relevant information
Distinguish: give the differences between two or more concepts or terms
Estimate: find an approximate value for an unknown quantity, based on the information provided and scientific knowledge
Identify: find and answer from a number of possibilities
Outline: give a brief account or summary (include essential information only)
Analyze: interpret data to reach conclusions
Construct: represent or develop in graphical form
Deduce: reach a conclusion from information given
Design: produce a plan, simulation or model
Determine: find the only possible answer
Disuss: give an account, including, where possible, a range or arguments, assessments of the relatie importance of various factors or comparisons of alternative hypothesis
Evaluate: assess implications and limitations