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Welcome to Mijule's Shih Tzu!

Mijule's Bar

The love of my life
Be it human or other
Shall bring a smile to my face and
Peace to my soul

The love of my life
Like a burning ember
Shall warm my heart
And keep me whole

Mijule's Bar

Our goal is to show, and selectively breed, Shih Tzus to make others as happy as we have been with our little friends. We take as much delight in seeing a Shih Tzu puppy go home to a new family as their "pet", as we do in seeing a "Mijule's" Shih Tzu show off in the ring.

As you look through our pages we hope you will enjoy the sparkle of our jewels and place them in your hearts as unforgettable.

~ Michael and Julie

Mijule's Bar

Mijule's Bar

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