We Are One
The Universe speaks in many languages,
but in only one voice.
The language is not English,
or French or Chinese or African.
It speaks the language of hope.
It speaks in the language of trust,
the language of strength and
the language of compassion.
It is the language of the heart
and the language of the soul.
But always it is the same voice...
The voice of our ancestors speaking
through us.
The voice of our inheritors
waiting to be born.
It is the small, still voice
that says we are One.
No matter the blood, no matter
the skin, no matter the country.
We are One.
No matter the pain, no matter
the darkness,
no matter the loss, no matter
the fear.
We are One.
Here, gathered together in common
We agree to recognize this singular
truth and this singular rule...
That we must be kind to one
and other...
Because each voice enriches
us and ennobles us
And each voice lost diminishes
We are the voice of the Universe.
The soul of Creation, The fire
that will light the day to a better future.
We are One.
Naomi Shifra
Please enjoy the view and the sounds of the music as you reflect on your path. Take the time to reflect and think. As you think, visualize the waterfalls and the sound of the water rushing over the rocks. Let the sounds and view refresh your spirit as you begin on your journey. This is a time to reflect on where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go. Hopefully as you reflect on the following pages, your thoughts and dreams will come clearer and you will find answers.
Always Have A Dream In Your Heart
Follow your heart; Never surrender your dreams.
Constantly work towards your goals.
Believe in yourself, and always be truthful.
Take time to enjoy life's pleasures.
Keep your mind open to new experiences.
Think before acting, but don't forget the
joys of spontaneity.
Make your own decisions. Look out for yourself,
but remember that you share this universe
with others.
Look for the good in others ~
Everybody has their own song to sing.
Live each moment to the fullest,
for a moment too soon becomes a memory.
Look for opportunities, not guarantees.
Hope for the best. Give people a chance to
love you,
for that is how you learn to love.
Live your life for yourself, but always be
considerate of others.
Believe in tomorrow, for it holds the key
to your dreams.
~Melissa Ososki~
The poem "We are One" is by Naomi Shifra and
you visit her site and read much more by following her link.
Everyone has a different path to take and different truths to find for themselves. The only thing that is common for most of us who seek to know our inner spirits, is how to prepare ourselves. To find your truths, you will have to determine what is best for you. I am only sharing what helped me. Maybe they will help you or give you an idea on where to begin and how.