Hello and welcome to what I believe is the first Sean Gullette web page. No one deserves it more! Some viewers may now be asking the question "why?" These people have obviously led tragically sheltered lives. But there is hope! Go see Sean's own page, which he designed and maintains himself. You'll come back with a brand new appreciation for and understanding of this place.
While there's a whole lot of Pi stuff on this and other pages, it does not suggest in any way that this is the only thing Sean has done. Unfortunately, information on the other projects are much more elusive. Go see the Musty Stacks of Books and see what I work day and night (when not eating, sleeping, classing or taking nice walks in the sunshine) on expanding.
You can also check the Crowds Gathering section, which houses the most recent information. It kicks you over to a Yahoo message board etc etc. Anyone can read the messages, but to post or check out pictures and other fun stuff, sadly, you have to become a member, not as difficult as it is irritating. I promise it's well worth it.
For any other links you could possibly need, check Straying Off the Middle Path....but remember what Buddha said about doing just that...
But if you want to stick around and get some quick facts at Climbing Up the Walls, that's okay. I pulled the facts from different places and make no claims to being the original source of information....actually it would be pretty spooky if I were.
Also, the fact that I've yanked a lot of the graphics etc. from the Pi homepage is actually apropos because Sean designed the site as well. Anyway, please peruse the other sections of this virtual manifestation of appreciation for Mr. Gullette. I promise that they will be more interesting than this rather banal introduction.
Stay Awhile
(as they say on w.a.s.t.e. products) Let's Get the Fuck Off THIS Page
Crowds Gathering
Musty Stacks of Books
Climbing up the Walls
Straying Off the Middle Path