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Maps of French Polynesia

French Polynesia in relationship to the rest of the Pacific.
Kind of dead Center!!!

Now if you look at the NE corner of the map you will see
Hotel Bali Hai. Just below Hotel Bali Hai is Maharepa,
the village where I lived.

Its funny , I very rarely went to the other side of the
island where Club Med is, it seemed to far away. Besides
I didn't know anyone over on that side. I must remind you that
Moorea is only about 45 miles around. There were days I wish I could
of jumped in my car and just driven somewhere (fast) that took a week to
get to. You know that feeling, where you just want to get in your car and
drive. But the feelings would pass and I would be happy on my
little island again! I did commute to work everyday from my village,
in Maharepa, to the village of PaoPao almost 2 miles!
I did have to deal with that pot hole on the way to work...OH the stress of it all lol.

You are probably wondering if I ever got island fever or maybe what on
earth I did to entertain myself. No, I never did get island fever. As far
as entertainment, between working 40-60 hours a week, taking care of my dogs,
doing daily shores, gardening , suntanning working out, entertaining,
And waiting on a husband who was convinced a woman's roll on earth was serve men
(GAG) I stayed busy, no time to think about the size of Moorea!
are several sayings in Tahiti, "Aita e peapea" (I-ta pay-a pay-a) meaning no
problem and "Haere Maru" (har eh ma rue), meaning relax or take it easy. It took
me approximately 2 years before I could understand one, and do the other.
Near the end of my stay in Moorea, I was totally convince that the orange juice
they offered on the plane upon arrival in Tahiti was filled with some sort of
liquid lobotomy so one would be able to deal with the laid back life style and
that "Aita e pea pea" attitude. Now after being back in the US for 5 years I
remember why I left the US in the first place, and would like to go back to my
little island and drink some of that orange juice.