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Eat your heartout fishermen!!! The boat at the top is called a "Poti Marara"
Poti meaning boat, and Marara meaning flying fish. Flying fish are a mullet
like fish with wings. To escape their peredators,Marara leave the water at about
15 mph, spread their outsized pectrotal fins like the wings of glider
and with a few powerful flicks of their tail, they be become
airborn at speeds up to 35 mph. The Poti Marara(flying fish boat)
was orginally built to catch these fish which were good
for eating and bait. If you didn't catch any fish you could eat
your bait!!! The boats were 16 ft. plywood speedboats The speed and
rudders controls are fitted in a small cockpit (more like a box you stand in)
far forward and can be operated by a joystick. They were later used for
fishing Mahi mahi and what ever else you could catch.

Note: although the materials have changes somewhat and they
use more powerful engines the design is the same.

The first pic below is me holding my Godson,Maui, and Hubert(my now ex).
This day he had gone out on his Poti Marara and caught 6 Mahi Mahi and was on his
in when he hooked up to this monster....a 900lb Marlin Remember
he is on a 16 foot boat and no fighting chair, and alone.
and already exhausted from catching the Mahi.

Oh my I'm getting ahead of myself here, To catching these Mahi,
You would watch for birds.. took me years just to find the birds..
there will be only 1 or 2. Mahi will surface to feed. Once we spotted the
mahi ..all hell broke loose. Hubert would throw the boat in full throttle
and we'd chase the mahi sometimes doing 360's , until it was tired.
Hubert would then throw the boat into neutral, spear the mahi and throw it in the boat.
Now thats fishing!!!
My brother went fishing with him once and called it Tahitian Rodeo!

The proud fisherman Hubert, with his friends!

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