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I was first diagnosed with Hep C after donating blood November, 1998. I was
sent a very vague letter stating I may or may not have Hepatitis C but
please be tested at your next Doctors appointment. Well that didn't exactly sound life
threatening to me, and beside theres no way I could possibly have Hep C.

Two months later I asked my doctor to run a series of Hep tests,
Hep C came back possitive. That was in Jan. of '99. I immediately called
the blood bank and asked them why they send out
such a vague letter. Their reply? Its not our
responsiblity to insure you are tested. After a solid year of research,
it came to my attention that antibodies generally show up anywhere form
2 to 6 weeks after contact with the virus. I had been giving blood
every 6 months in Lee county. Holding that thought, I wondered exactly when
did they start screening for Hep C?

Yesterday I called the blood bank fearing they might have used my
contaminated blood and asked them outright when they had started
screening for Hep C. The woman on the other end stated" oh for years
and years" I told her the test hasn't been available for "years and years .
Then She told me , I'm sorry the FDA forbids us for giving
out any information like that. There are only 2 times in my life
I has at high risk for Hep C. Once in 1969 after I had
a shot of Rho-gam a blood bi product and in 1995 when I had
a tattoo. Which makes me think Lee country didn't
start testing for Hep C until 1998, I hope thats not true!!!
Well, I've spent a little over a year now researching. My bi annually liver
test keeps coming back normal so I have been putting off taking the combo Drugs
I'm still undecided , should I take the combo and have a 40% of irradicating the virus
while suffering being laid up sick for 6 months to a year . Or stay my healthy self
like I am now and wait until they come along with a higher percentage
rate and maybe new drugs?? Hmmmm..... what to do what to do???
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe its our enviroment in combination with
what we ingest, that has brought on so many viruses
In my family alone 4 out of 6 kids have a auto immune diseases.
I think that's just a little weird!!!! I have one sister with MS,
another sister with MS and crohns, me with Hep and my hubby
with non Hodgkins. I mean, what are the odds?????

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Please read Petition below

Petition title:
Make Hep C victims eligible for Social Security Benefits
Addressed to: Mr. Kenneth Apfel, Commissioner, SSA
Sponsored by: Kathryn Morse


Not only can you sign this petition online, but also you may leave a comment
and a link to your web site. You can also read the comments of other people who
signed this petition. So far there are 917 signatures.

Here is a brief description of this petition:

Hepatitis C affects one in sixty Americans. It can be physically debilitating
and treatment is very expensive. Despite the debilitating effects of the Hepatitis C
virus, the Social Security Administration denies benefits for victims of this virus.
This petition is to the Commissioner of Social Security, Mr. Kenneth Apfel, asking
for a change in this policy.

Helpful Medical Information

7 Drug Co's Issue Discount Card For Medicare

Brand new discount drug program Seven Drug Companies Issue
Discount Card for Elderly Seven major drug companies are offering
elderly consumers a discount card that will let them save on more
than 100 brand-name drugs.The card will be known as the
Together R-X Card. The companies say it will be offered
free to eligible Medicare enrollees. Health and Human Services
Secretary Tommy Thompson says the card is a "tremendous new initiative."
The companies said discounts will range from 20 percent to
40 percent off the price individuals usually pay. Enrollment
begins immediately and the cards become effective in June.
Participaing in the new card are Abbott Laboratories, AstraZeneca,
Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson
and Novartis. Two other major pharmaceutical companies have announced
their own discountcards -- Pfizer and Eli Lilly.
Read more about Eli Lilly and Company's new patient
assistance program. Together R-X website address:
Together RX

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