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Major Frustration!!!!!!

Ok like I said its been exactly 1 year and 4 months since I was diagnosed with hep. I have written
to my congressmen and women, I have written to the senate, written editorals in the local paper
all trying to promote awareness. I can't figure out for the life of me Why, if there are 4 million
of us infected in this country why aren't we doing something about it??? There are a hand full of
people having rallies and marches, but I 've yet to see 4 million Heppers descend on Washington!!!
You really don't think that would make a difference as far as awarness and funding??? We would
then be on National news!!! Thats a start!

Clinton and his adminstration just awarded (April 2000) $7billion to AIDS/HIV
for research and support!!!!Why do they get $7 billion and we get a big fat zero???
Because the people who have Aids/Hiv screamed and hollared , they banned together and marched.
they demanded!!!!

If any one has any ideas as to what can
be done about our situation please notify by email, I am all ears. Maybe we could all sign a massive email or something and send it to Washington.I understand it's not easy for everyone to just jump up and fly to Washington

Are some of you experiencing some sort of stigma attached to the fact you have Hep??? I feel like Hep C is The Silent Killer in more ways than one. We will never get funding and support if we don't start screaming about it!!!!

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Petition to Congress to form a President's Council on HCV Hepatitis C affects one in sixty Americans. It can be physically debilitating and treatment is very expensive. Despite the debilitating effects of the Hepatitis C virus, the Social Security Administration denies benefits for victims of this virus. This petition is to the Commissioner of Social Security, Mr. Kenneth Apfel, asking for a change in this policy.