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List continued......

The People over at have decided we should be "Heppo's" instead of "Heppers" They designed my personal little heppo....cute isn't she? go get yours too!!!

Other Support Boards and Support Sites

Golden Dragon Society

Fun and Caring Alternate Message Board for Heppers Has its own clean chat room

Single Mingle (for single heppers to meet and greet)

BA Cafe (for general information and fun)

Hepatitis Neighborhood New site starting in January


General Medical Information

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy On Line

Medicine Net's Medical Dictionary

Hepatitis Central's Medical Glossary

Information about Medical Quackery

The National Council for Reliable Health Information

Matthew Lesko's Free Health Care Information

The Medicine Program

(Has information about a program that offers free Prescription Medicine to those who Qualify)


Alternative Treatment Information

Information about using herbs and vitamins from The Koop Foundation's Hepatitis C website

The Mayo Clinic's Health Oasis - Alternative Medicine Site

Ask Dr. Weil

(Dr. Andrew Weil is a leader in the integration of Western medicine and lternative medicine.
A graduate of Harvard Medical School, he teaches at the University of Arizona in Tucson,
specializing in alternative medicine, mind/body interactions and medical botany.)

Dr. Weil's Herbal Medicine Chest

Warning about Herbal Medicines from the AIDS Research Center

FDA Proposes Rules on Herbal Remedies (from Washington Post)


Disability Information

Social Security On Line

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Support Group's Site

- Has comprehensive list of Social Security Disability, Medicare and Medicaid Sites

Legal Resources on the Web - Free Service of the USC Law Libraryl

Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center

National Institute on Life Planning Home Page
A national clearinghouse for persons with disabilities, families and professionals on all aspects of Life Planning


News Flash!!!

There is a pending class action law suit called "Hep C Hope" going on right now. For more information and how to be a part of it trad the following statement:

Class Action Lawsuit for Victims of Hepatitis C

Currently we are taking names of potential participants who are infected with Hepatitis C that wish to be included in this legal action. At this time, the main objective is to get your nameon the official mailing list.

It does not matter how you got Hepatitis C, but itdoes matter to us that you are a victim of this hideous disease, for which there is no cure.

At this point in time there is no immediate deadline for filing their claim, but do not delay.

When the attorneys are ready, they will have us send the documents for this case to all participants on the mailing list.

If anyone wishes to mail their information, please mail to:

Hep C Hope, Inc.
11250 West Rd., Suite H
Houston, Texas 77065
Fax number: 1-281-970-8907 Toll Free: 1-877-970-HOPE (4673) Local Number: 1-281-970-8900


Important -Costs of perscriptions

For those of you outraged at the cost of perscription drugs here in the US there are alternatives. My husband and I order our stuff from Canada. Canada RX Go to their site to search for what you need, print out form and have your Doctor sign (for perscription) that's it. One of my hubby's perscriptions was over $350. a month we pay $179 a month Big difference.

My Own experience with Hep, more links, and Medical info about Medicare Updated June24,2002

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