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Longfellow's Rabbit

20" x 16"

Longfellow's Rabbit oil painting

June 21st was the second year I painted at Alice Longfellow's Summer Solstice Party. Longfellow's is a local plant nursery. The owner puts on a great party every year to celebrate summer, gardens and art. It is a wonderful event which includes classes on gardening, tours, food, wine and plenty to do for adults as well as kids. I was painting the coreopsis when this little rabbit happened by and temporarily parked himself in the flowers I was painting. About an hour later, a passerby said, "You need to paint a rabbit in those flowers". I took her advise. Original SOLD.

Limited Edition Prints

Only 100 printed
Only 100 printed

Large (16"x20") - $45
Small (11"x14") -  $30

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