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Or email: Bishop's Office





Where Are Men Trained To Be Clergymen?

Men are trained for the Diaconate and Priesthood at Holy Trinity College and Seminary, in Florida (non-resident programs are available) and/or by the Bishop's Council of the Diocese or Missionary District. Men who feel they may have a vocation to the Priesthood should first contact their parish priest. Aspirants to the Priesthood will be put in contact with their Bishop to determine specific training requirements. Men ordained in another jurisdiction have different training needs than a man who has never had any Theological training.

What are the Requirements for Ordination?

To be ordained into the clergy of the church a man must have attained the age of 21 years, be a confirmed member of the Church, of good moral character and willing to study. He must serve 1 full year as a deacon before he can be considered for ordiatation as a priest. However, he must be 25 years of age to be ordained to the priesthood. This is to assure that a man has the maturity and understanding to serve as a leader in the Church.


We uphold the importance of true Apostolic Succession, and of a valid, scripturally ordained clergy, which allows us to honor God and receive truly valid Sacraments.





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