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Jon Davidson

Here are some pictures and info for Jon D. (bass guitar)

Name: Jon Davidson
Birthday: July 28, 1984.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Pet Peeves: Poor Personal Hygiene
Hobbies: All Sports

Fave tv show:Leave it to Beaver
Fave ice cream:Chocolate or Pralines & Cream
Fave cd: 3 Dollar Bill Y'all
Fave Spice Girl: Posh
Fave South Park Character:Chef
Fave Color: Blue
Fave band: Salads (from Newmarket)
Fave song: Salad Theme Song (Salads)
Fave Movie: Dazed And Confused
Fave Food: Pizza
Fave Sport: Football
Fave South Park CHaracter:Chef

One really,really hated food: Onions
Celebrity dream date:Jenny McCarthy
Prefered Guitars:Bass-Yamaha
Fave Subjects: English and Geography
Life Ambition: Football player
Quick fact: Jon lived in Malta for a year, two years ago.
He's in 10th grade at Newmarket high
If I was stuck on a deserted island w/ only 3 things, they would be: 1.Girl 2.Food 3.Bass

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