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Ryan Stever

Here are some pictures and info on Ryan "Stever" (plays guitar)

Name: Ryan "Stever"
Birthday: December 6th, 1983
Instrument: Guitar
Hair: Dark Blond
Eyes: Light Blue
Pet Peeves: My Brother

Fave Color: Green
Fave Band: Korn
Fave Song: Slave (Silverchair)
Fave Movie: Dazed and Confused
Fave Food: Chicken
Fave Sport: Basketball
Fave Subjects: Visual Arts and Music
Fave tv show: MM
Fave Ice cream:mint chocolate chip
Fave cd: 3 Dollar Bill Y'all
Fave Spice Girl: Posh
Fave South Park Character: Cartman
Fave Guitars: Paul Reed Smith

One really, really hated food: Onions
Life Ambition: Graphic Design and Music
Quick fact: Stever wishes that he could just stamp his autograph!
Known as the quiet one Stever is the only group member who never had a girl friend or gone his 1st date yet!
He likes girls: that would want to listen to him jam on his guitar for hours and into cumputer stuff and music
He said his dreamgirl would have to have:nice legs
Celebrity dream date: Jennifer Love Hewitt >br> He's in 10th grade at Newmarket high
If I was stuck on a deserted island w/ only 3 things, they would be: 1. My Guitar 2. Food 3. Girl

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