Welcome to my Boot. The Boot is my own personal home-within-a-home; it sits in the corner of the Junkyard near the oven. Here you'll eventually find all kinds of miscellaneous and vaguely interesting stuff. All that's here just now is a little section called Chasie's Mewsings The Boot's not REALLY ready for visitors, yet...but if you like, you can chat with the Dustmice for a while and I'll let you know when the place is ready :)
P.S. If you're asking yourself, "Why the heck does that penguin have a hole in it?" I must tell you that I have no idea why. *shrug*
P.P.S. Since you're here and you obviously care enough to have read this far, you might be interested to know that I've been giving my friends their own personal corners of my Boot. Click the following links to visit the corners posted so far:
Silla's Corner of the Boot
Cody's Corner of the Boot
Jalie's Corner of the Boot
Allyson's Corner of the (Re)Boot