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The Debates

The following are various debates (arranged in no particular order) that I've gotten into with the other Jellicles about the Yard :) This is your chance to express your opinion on these debates, some of which you've probably had yourself. :) You can answer any or all of them by simply sending me your answers via e-meow with "Jellicle debates" as the subject (please also include your name or alias so I know who to give credit to)--all I ask is that you keep it clean and respect one another's beliefs and opinions. You can also e-meow me if you have any ideas for debates; I'd very much like to hear them! :) Thankies and enjoy! :)

  1. What is Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer's relation? Are they siblings, tom and queen, good friends, what?

  2. Are Dem and Bomb sisters or just good friends?

  3. Are Mungo and Rumpel kittens or adults? Explain.

  4. Tumblebrutus--kitten or adult? Is he Pounce's brother?

  5. All right--once and for all, what's REALLY going on during the catnap scene?

  6. What's your opinion on various tom-queen relationships? (i.e. Misto (Quaxo?)/Victoria; Dem/Munk; Skimble/Jenny, etc.)

  7. New Debate!!! Which of the Jellicles are Deuteronomy's children?

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