What's New? **Updated 7/20/2000**
- July 20, 2000--I am a bad person. I have not updated in nearly two months. *cries* Forgive me! I spent almost all of June in Europe, and I've been so busy with the show and getting ready for college since I got back that I haven't had any time.
I'm officially going on hiatus for a while--with the page, I mean. Dun worry, I'm not giving up on it...once I get moved into school I plan on changing the look of the page entirely, now that I know html a little better and don't have to rely on Angelfire's Basic Editor any more. There are glorious days ahead of us, my friends! :)
Update: Added some more to Jalie's Corner...that's pretty much it. I love you all, see you soon!--Chasie
- May 32, 2000--My summer insomnia has definitley begun...I've gotten about 9 hours of sleep within the last 72 hours. I'm thinking that's probably not good...but there's little I can do. I'll drop eventually and sleep for fourteen hours, always works out that way. In the mean time, I've been tooling around about the internetand occasionally touching up the old webpage, hehehe :) Anyhoo...I added some more to Allyson's Corner of the (Re)Boot. The old pictures still aren't working, but there are new ones that are--including a pic of one Paulo Costanzo. Anyone know who he is??? Allyson and I just discovered him...I'll try not to say anything TOO girly...but...I mean...wow...*squeals like a schoolgirl* hehehe, okay, that's enough silliness from me :)
- May 29, 2000 and May 30, 2000--Well, it's 4:11 am on the morning of the 30th, and I've been up all night. My computer has been acting somewhat screwy lately, so I'll keep this brief. Basically, I updated Jalie's Corner of the Boot--there's a little animated gif there, and a new rant from Jalie herself. *heavenly theme music* I'm kind of delerious right now, sooo...I'll prolly be making lots o' renovations within the next couple of days, but the computer might not LET me, so I just wanted to touch bases. Mmmhmm. I think I'll go find some source of caffeine and see if I can't make it the rest of the night...*staggers off somewhere* See you later, everybody.
- May 16, 2000--Wow, it's been a LONG time. Well, I've had a lot of stuff going on--the school play, Choir District and State Contests, general end-of-the-year-senior stuff. You understand. By the way, tomorrow is my last day of high school EVER *squeaks* Let's SEEEEEE...First of all, I *MUST* tell you about my friend Emily's wonderful little sister, Meredith. You see, Meredith found out from Emily that I'm into CATS, which both of them are as well, and after she went to New York to see the show (*JEALOUS*) she gave me a ticket stub AND a Playbill!!!! So I'm ever thankful to you, Meredith. You are one awesome little Jellicle :) As for the REST of you..hehe :) When I get around to scanning stuff I'll scan both for you all to look at and envy *g* just kidding, just kidding. :) Let's see...what ELSE? Oh, yes, I gave my chums Allyson and Jalie corners of my Boot...for some reason the piccys in Allyson's corner are not WORKING, however *grr*, but I'll try to fix them soon. Jalie will eventually be featured as a regular here; she'll have a section called "Jalie's Ramble of the Week" or something of the like. I ALSO updated my little "urgent news" thingy regarding the CATS closing date...go look! It's good news :) Ummb...actually, I think that's everything. After tomorrow I plan on being online a lot more, and I'll give you all some better updates. Bye now! *scampers off* >^..^<
- March 20, 2000--It's 11:30 at night and this whole "staying up a little too late a couple of nights in a row being crafty" thing is starting to get to me, so I'll be brief. I created the "Chasie's Mewsings" section. Now I don't have to ramble HERE every time I update, I can do it THERE instead. Clever, no? Heh. Ummb...yes. *runs away and goes to BED*
- March 19, 2000 Part Deux--Okay, it's 12:14 am by my handy little (often wrong) computer clock. I just gave my twin, Silla, and my brudder, Cody, their own personal corners of my boot. Why? Because I CAN! I have the POWER! BUAHAHAHAHA!!! *goes on a rampage, pillaging the little webspace Angefire has been so kind in giving her and beginning her evil reign of anarchy* Okay, it's a wee bit too early in the evening for me to be this tired. Anywho, I'm staying up making little clay thingies. You see, I've started making little clay fetishes of things I like. Right now I'm making one for Noah, Jude, and Christian. What's that? You don't know who those people are? *GASP!* Well, stop reading this and go to the Gumbie Kitten Twin's Shrine right this instant and find out! Man, that's scary...I'd better go add that to the links section. *scampers off*
- March 19, 2000--I created the section called "Chasie's Boot" today! Huzzah! *chasie jig* Eventually it will be the home of all sorts of miscellaneous stuff, such as fanfics and polls and maybe an RPG and a small tribute to Reboot, stuff like that. Basically, a place for yours truly to vent. :) It'll be great, I promise. It just...doesn't...have much in it but a few dustmice at the moment. *sheepish look* *runs away*
- February 24, 2000--I got some new backgrounds and thingies from "Free Gifs and Animations"...there's a link to it in the "Links" section. It's a really neat and generous site, so go see! :)
- Februaray 20, 2000--A complete stranger actually sent me opinions on my debates! WOOHOO! This site IS getting visitors! *chasie jig* So anyway, many thanks go out to Honey for all the feedback. :) Check out the debates, everyone, they're new and improved! Now whites come out whiter and colors come out brighter and...uhh...nm, that's laundry detergent....
- February 19, 2000--I would just like to point out that my humble little website survived Y2K! YAY! *chasie jig* Okay, that done with...I gave the place another paint job. It looks a bit nicer now, though most of the change can be found on the main page. Do you like the nifty banner? My twin, Sillabub, made it for me :) (thankies twinniepoo ;) ) I am slowly but surely learning more and more html, and that helps. *g* Stay tuned...I plan to add more sections to the site, including a Fanfic page. *burst of heavenly light lands on Chasie, blinding her* GERK! *stumbles off*
- December 25, 1999--I added some non-CATS-related links to the links section :) Now it doesn't look as biased, heehee :)
- December 24, 1999--Woah, it's been a while since an update, huh? Well, I haven't done MUCH, just fixed some of the email links; a bunch of them still had my old email address on them *sheepish look* :) I updated the Debates section--input, at last! :) I also added the Zion Mainframe Guide to the Matrix to my links page - go see it! OH! A while ago I was informed that I've been accepted to the CATS Webring! *happy Chasie jig* Merry Christmas everybody, and enjoy your web surfing :)
- August 22, 1999--Added main pictures to the Disclaimer and Character List pages. I got both of these pics from "CATS: TFP"--thanks ever so much! :) (go see it--it's in the links section ;) )
- August 20, 1999--Added some pics (at last!), the fine print at the bottom of the main page *g*, and added Jason Gardiner to the Alonzo page. :) Now you can compare and contrast. :D Also added "Ticket to the Heaviside" to the links section. Oh, and today I became an official CATS addict. *proud smile* No, really, look at the bottom of the main page! It's OFFICIAL! ;)
- August 18, 1999--Added the CATS Webring logo to the bottom of the main page! Yay! Still waiting to hear on whether or not I'll be accepted...*crosses toes on all paws* *falls over* heehee :)
- August 17, 1999--Did a general touch up of the place, new paint and whatnot. :) Added the "What's New?" section, and introduced for the first time my brand new adopted Jellicle, Alonzo! :) Also added "CATS: The Feline Phenomenon," "The World of Jellicle Cats" and "Skimbleshanks' Station" to the links page.
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Email: sparrowchaser@aol.com