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This is me... take it or leave it

Greetings and welcome to my website. My name is Thea. This is my chance to show you what I'm all about.

First off... Special shout-outs to my friends.

April. What can I say? You're the best friend a gal could possibly have. You've been there when I needed you... and sometimes when I didn't think I did. This road's been pretty bumpy, but we made it this far.

Jeremy. Lemme think... Tree loving hippie comes to mind. *haha* Anyway, you do a good job of making April happy. Keep it up or else.

Jason. Ya horndog... I have a HUGE vat of purple twinky filling with your name on it! But seriously... You're a good friend. Keep it up.

Tom. What can I say? Love ya, babe.

James. The founder of the Phoenixi Empire. Hmmm comes to mind here. All I can say is... Be well, my friend.

Lorna. My favorite Celtic sweetie. You always make me laugh even when I think I can't handle another guffaw. Most times I'm consoling you, but hey. What are friends for anyway?

Kevster. You're a NUTCASE! No doubt about it. But you're a true blue friend! This is for you, man. *HUGE HUG!*

Nicci. What can I say besides you're a sweetie? You rule, babes!

Muh Lil Jinxie. You're a good friend. And that's all there is to it.

Bruce, Gino, Dave, Davo, David, John, Brad, Nick, Amy, Lee, Meg, Hezz, Bryan, Pattimus, Bren, Crys... You're all my friends. I could learn a thing or two from all of you. Thanks for being so patient with such a newbie as myself.

If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. If I offended anyone with this list, I'm sorry for that too.

I also like to role play in the Yahoo chat rooms. To find out who I play, go here for a complete list.
That's not a complete list, but it's all the ones I play at this moment in time.