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Zelda Classic By: Armageddon Games

Armageddon Games Web Site

Zelda Classic is a remade version of The Legend of Zelda on Nes. The Zelda Classic is a Dos game that is alot of fun. It runs fine under Windows. The game when you download it has the game program and the games files it needs. Those files are Zelda.exe is the main program, and Zelda.dat is a required file. Then there are .qst files. You need 1st.qst and 2nd.qst to play the original 2 quests. Then in the package there is demo.qst and bs1st.qst. The demo.qst is a quest made that shows what the game engine can do. There are new items and cool things in demo.qst. Bs1st.qst is a remade Zelda 1st quest that uses better graphics. The graphics came from Bs Zelda. See the Bs-Zelda Section to see what BS-Zelda was. The quest isn't the same as Bs-Zelda but it is the same as the 1st quest with better graphics and cooler music. In the package is also a Readme.txt and a whatsnew.txt which gives some info about it.
The quest files can be built be a program also made be armageddon games called Zquest.exe which currently is not avalible to the public for certain good reasons. There are only a few people that have this editor and they are all beta testers of the editor. Don't bug them for the editor. I will put up The main package that has all the files meantioned above for download along with quests that are being developed by the beta testers.

Downloads for Zelda Classic

You must Download Zelda Classic and Agsetup. Unzip them to the same folder and run agsetup. After that is done just run Zelda.exe Note: Sometimes Links don't work so use the address under the link to go directly to the file.
Zelda Classic v1.77
Zelda Classic Agsetup -(Required to Have joystick and sound support.)
Nightmare's Quest (NO NAME YET)
If this Links above doesn't work then goto the Armagegeddon games site and download it there.