State University Extension
Food Safely - 01600853
GUIDE 5:11
PROCEDURE: Keep live oysters on ice until ready to can.
Wash shells. Heat 5 to 7 minutes in preheated oven at
400 degrees F. Cool briefly in ice water. Drain, open
shell, and remove meat. Wash meat in water containing
1/2 cup salt per gallon. Drain. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt
to each pint, if desired. Fill half-pint or pint jars
with meat and hot water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust
lids and process.
Recommended process time for OYSTERS in a dial-gauge
pressure canner.
Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI)
at Altitudes of
Jar Process 0- 2,001- 4,001- 6,001-
Size Time 2,000ft 4,000ft 6,000ft 8,000ft
pints 75 min 11 lb 12 lb 13 lb 14 lb or
Recommended process time for OYSTERS in a
weighted-gauge pressure canner.
Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI)
at Altitudes of
Jar Process 0- Above
Size Time 1,000 ft 1,000 ft
Half-pints 75 min 10 lb 15 lb
or Pints