To the National Bahá'í Council of the United States.

12 Oct. 2005

Dear Friends,

'Abdu'l-Baha taught that Bahá'í couples who reach a certain "exalted" spiritual station will be married throughout all the Worlds of God (i.e. eternal marriage). Below is His discourse from the publication Bahá'í World Faith. If you possibly can, please distribute a copy of this to each of the Friends in the U.S. Eternal companionship is one of the greatest teachings of the Faith, but many of the Friends are yet unaware of it. Please send a few copies to some of the Friends in India and Africa; if you can. Notice that He did not say that married couples would simple "recognize each other" in the Afterlife, and that eternal union was only for those who became "one" both physically and spiritually. I'm sending 100 copies (10 large print and 90 small print). You may wish to consider including the the page in your next mailing of Star of the Covenant.
Thank you.
Darrick Evenson

'Abdu'l-Baha on Eternal Marriage

'Abdu'l-Baha taught that Baha'i couples who reach an exalted station of spirituality will be married in heaven. This is His address (from Bahá'í World Faith pages 372-73):

Bahá'í Marriage


As to the question of marriage, according to the law of God: First you must select one, and then it depends on the consent of the father and mother. Before your selection they have no right of interference.


Bahá'í marriage is union and cordial affection between the two parties. They must, however, exercise the utmost care and become acquainted with each other's character. This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life...


In a true Bahá'í marriage the two parties must become fully united both spiritually and physically, so that they may attain eternal union throughout all the worlds of God, and improve the spiritual life of each other. This is Bahá'í matrimony.


Among the majority of the people marriage consists of physical relationship and this union and relationship is temporary for at the end physical separation is destined and ordained. But the marriage of the people of Bahá must consist of both physical and spiritual relationship for both of them are intoxicated with the wine of one cup, are attracted by one Peerless Countenance, are quickened with one Life and are illumined with one Light. This is the spiritual relationship and everlasting union. Likewise in the physical world they are bound together with strong and unbreakable ties.


When relationship, union and concord exist between the two from a physical and spiritual standpoint, that is real union, therefore everlasting. But if the union is merely from the physical point of view, unquestionably it is temporal and at the end separation is inevitable.


Consequently when the people of Bahá desire to enter the sacred union of marriage, eternal connection and ideal relationship, spiritual and physical association of thoughts and conceptions of life must exist between them, so that in all the grades of existence and all the worlds of God this union may continue forever and ever for this real union is a splendor of the light of the love of God.


Likewise if the souls become real believers they will find themselves ushered into this exalted state of relationship, becoming the manifestors of the love of the Merciful and exhilarated with the cup of the love of God. Undoubtedly that union and relationship is eternal.


The souls who sacrifice self, become detached from the imperfections of the realm of man and free from the shackles of this ephemeral world, assuredly the splendors of the rays of divine union shall shine in their hearts and in the eternal paradise they shall find ideal relationship, union and happiness.