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Topo Map Of Bear Creek Valley

Welcome to my Topo Map of Bear Creek Valley. Property lines are not exact, but it's close. The land tracks of family & friends are color coded as follows...

The J.W./Sue Shepherd home place in blue.
The Clifford/Arlene Shepherd home place in green.
The Jeff Beemer land tract in yellow.
The Hammond & Young (HAY) Ranch in pink.
Sorry guys...not a statement of your manhood ...just a bright color for mapping. :)

The Turk-a-dome is situated on the J.W. Shepherd home place. It's a recently constructed state of the art...(ART?)...hunting stand complete with padded seats, under seat storage for hunting gear, hand painted camouflage exterior and a superior tactical advantage over the unsuspecting wily prey that inhabits Bear Creek Valley.

The Turk-a-dome

Turk-a-dome 1
Turk-a-dome 2
Turk-a-dome 3
Turk-a-dome 4
Turk-a-dome 5

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