A Few Days Ago at Work
A few days ago at work, there was a guy who was pumping gas and using his cell phone. I don't know if anyone's ever heard of this, but your not suppost to use your cell phone near pumps, while pumping gas, because static electricity could travel from your phone, to you, to the handle, and to the gas, causing an explosion. My manager Lee Ann went outside and said "sir, you cant use your cell phone while pumping gas". Thats all that was said outside. I could tell he got pissy about it, by the way Lee Ann's reaction was, when she stepped back inside. She kind of shrugged it off, and went into the back. The guy (who'll i'll call Dick) came in and asked hatefully, "is that a real pollicy, or just a personal rule". I was about the laugh out loud at Dick, but instead i said "Lee Ann, this guy wants to ask you a question". She came out from the back, and Dick started being just that. A DICK! The part i find funny, is that it only took about a minute or 2 to finish pumping gas, pay for it, and get back in his vehicle and call who ever it was he was talking to (i still think he was talking to his boyfriend. that would explain why he got soo pissy, because im sure him not talking about taking it up the ass for about a minute, is pure HELL) and be on his fairy little way. NOOOO, he had to stand thier, and accuse us of having a personal agenda that consists of pissing off assholes with cell phones. Dick kept saying that he "never seen any signs at ANY station before, and that we where " (basicly) full of shit. which, even if we are/where full of shit about the matter, it ballences out, because he's full of dicks. It finally ended with Dick saying that he'll never come to that station again. wich is fine with me, because if he where to come in again, and give shit, i'd sucker punch him with my left nut, and slap him like the bitch he is with the right one. I'll proly be updating this page with some figures from the PEI (an organization that Dick has never heard of), and other studies done on Static Electricity, and Fueling Pumps.
I Hate Dick, and People Like Him
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