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Michael Miller Full Name: Michael Forest Miller
Bio: I joined the Navy shortly after graduation. I attended Radioman A school and Radioman C (morse code) school before my tour of duty was over. I married Brenda French for nearly 4 years, worked at Ft Knox and attended college at night. (love that GI bill). One year I attended Nursing School full time. .....after that era ended in divorce, I continued at Ft Knox and transferred to UK and took a few classes at UL also. I met and married Donna Dickson, we had two beautiful girls Korri in 1980, and Brandi in 1982. Evidently I liked punishment and started delivering the Courier Journal Newspaper on Ft Knox before going in to work each day starting in 1982. Still going to class at night I eventually got tired of all that and quit the Newspaper in 2002. I kept things interesting with hobbies like woodworking, electronics, scuba, golf, ham radio, r/c cars, rebuiling a few truck engines, gardening, earning a private pilots license, restoring a 1976 kz900 and a 1950 Aeronica Sedan airplane. Also built a house and helped my brother build one. I retired 5 Jan 2005. I still enoy building computers but truthfully I goof off a lot now and don't feel a bit guilty. I think I probably stayed way too busy over the years, especially considering all the hobbies I left out, such as fishing and hunting, bow hunting, and partying. I now have a beautiful granddaughter Kaelyn Arlen Leigh Perry. That keeps me very occupied. I also have 3 small dogs I spoil. Thank God for retirement. Time for a break!! Wrestling because it was my life, and my lifeline. I also remember all the wonderful girls that I let get away. It sure was nice seeing how wonderful you turned out ...without me. lol Crazy things I did during High School: I didn't get caught and I'm not confessing now either. Contact Info: 810 E. Main, Vine Grove, Ky 40175 Mike Miller in Wrestling Pose #1 Mike Miller in Wrestling Pose #2 Bob Post, Webmaster All rights
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