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Welcome to Vicki Penning's Bio...

Vicki Penning Yearbook Photo

Full Name: Vicki Louise Penning Smith
Nickname: Vicki Penning
Birthday: October 6th
Place of Birth: Owensboro, KY
Current Location: Louisville, KY
Status: Married to Darryl Smith; 1979
Children: None
College: BA - Business Administration
Occupation: Family Services Coordinator - Funeral Home Business
Lived in the following places since High School: Louisville, KY
Email Address:

Bio: My husband and I live in Louisville (Middletown), Kentucky. One of my greatest accomplishments has been graduating from college in 2000, after attending night school for 7 years. I would not recommend this method!!! *** After 15 years in the banking industry, I was given an opportunity to work in the funeral home business. I am a Family Services Coordinator, which means I work with families after a death to file life insurance claims, obtain death certificates, and just about anything else that is needed after the death. Everyday is different and challenging, and the families are so appreciative and grateful. I have met some awesome families and truly enjoying working with them. *** Currently enjoy U of L sports, reading and the beach.
Clubs & Other Organizations (High School): Journalism Class and Yearbook Staff
Contact Info:

~ Vicki Penning ~ yearbook staff group photo ~ 2nd from left, front row

~ Vicki Penning with Karen Bennett ~ Sophomore Yearbook Editors

~ Vicki Penning Smith with her husband, Darryl Smith

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