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Gravity Dreams

L. E. Modesitt, Jr.'s bestselling SF and fantasy novels have made him one of the leading genre writers of the 1990s. His new SF novel, Gravity Dreams, is a stand-alone action adventure, filled with conflict, and featuring Modesitt's trademark: a confrontation with difficult moral and ethical questions invoked by the story. Set in the distant future on Earth, our hero, Tyndel, born and raised in a conservative and rigidly structured religious culture, is exiled to a more technologically advanced civilization. He must adjust quickly to this space-faring civilization, which his own righteous nation considers evil and peopled by demons. Fortunately, he has the rare talent required to become a space pilot. What no one expects, least of all Tyndel, is that he might meet God, or at least a vastly superior being, in space. Copyright 1999 by L. E. Modesitt, Jr. Published by TOR.