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For Always

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For Always
Let me remain close to you...
As close as a heartbeat in your chest
As close as a breath on your lips
As close as a tear in your eye

For Always
I belong near you...
Like the summer sun belongs near the shoreline
Like the snow belongs near the mountaintop
Like the rainbow belongs near the clouds

For Always
Reach for me...
Like the trees reach for the sky above
Like the rivers reach for the seas
Like dreamers reach for the stars

For Always
I will be here...
Just as the sun will always shine
Just as time will always keep ticking
Just as the heavens will always be above

For Always

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/foralways[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "For Always"
by Josh Groban and Lara Fabian