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I Never Thought




I never thought
That I needed anyone
I stood alone
I was strong.
You came into my life,
I became vulnerable
Was this not weakness?
Anxious to please
Caring so much
Exposing myself

I never thought
That it took great courage
To open myself up to you,
And I realize
I am even stronger now.

I never thought
I needed to venture
Past all the walls
That kept me protected
Guarded my feelings
Shielded me from pain
Was this not dangerous?
Showing my emotions
Sharing my love
Unlocking my heart

I never thought
That I could trust anyone
To reach deep inside
Touch my tenderness
And still keep me safe

No, I never thought...

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/neverthought[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>