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~I Was Loved By You~

I Was Loved By You




I was imprisoned in the shadows
My heart dark and locked inside
Inner turmoil raged within me
No one saw the tears I cried.

I had long since stopped believing
In joyous love, honest and true
Then like a light piercing my shadows
I found myself loved by you.

Through all of lifes confusions
You whispered out my name
I listened to your silken voice
And never was the same.

For deep down inside of me
Lives something pure and true
The once in forever experience
Of being loved by you.

This treaure of your gentle caring
Has touched me deep inside.
In fear I did not run away
From you I did not hide.

You nutured and understood me
Helped me see things anew
I found so many answers
All while I was loved by you.

Your hand as it touched my hand
Your lips as they met mine
This tenderness and passion
Happens once in a lifetime.

Where ever this life leads me
Or what time puts me through
I will cling to what really matters
That I was loved by you.

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