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~I'm Never Gonna Say Goodbye~

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No matter what the future holds
I'm never gonna say goodbye
Whats in my heart is forever
This special love between you and I.

And even if there comes a time
You need to turn your back on me,
Please know my heart will treasure you
For all eternity.

Nothing can steal the time we've shared
The laughter, the joy, the fun
Our relationship is so unique,
Two hearts have become one.

It's you I have to thank
As I've learned how deep I can feel.
I almost believed this couldn't exist,
Perhaps wasn't even real.

And even if it ever turns to hurt,
I will just have to admit ,
I'd rather feel some anguish,
Than to not know the joy of this.

The affection that you have given,
The way you've set me free
I'll hold on to forever,
Cherishing all we were meant to be.

Maybe you'll never understand,
How deep was your effect
On a heart that refused to fall in love,
With no where to connect.

Perhaps I had to wait alone,
Until your face appeared,
And I got past all my old hurts,
My anger and my fears.

Running from it doesnt help,
So I refuse to even try,
Just know with all my heart I swear...
I'm never gonna say goodbye!

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/swear[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "Swear It All Over Again"
by Westlife