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~Night Wishes~





At night before I close my eyes
I make wishes just for you
That each day you'll have happiness
And your dreams will all come true.

For no matter what tomorrow brings
May it find you safe and strong;
Facing all your challenges
Defending right from wrong.

That life will treat you fairly
And love will treat you kind;
You'll find deep understanding
For your gentle loving mind.

If hardship somehow finds its way
To rest upon your door,
May a window of opportunity
Open up as never before.

For miles and time may seperate
The two of us, my friend,
But what we have is strong enough
To conquer and transcend.

You don't need to see me
Nor have me by your side
To know in you I have deep faith,
Respect, great hope and pride.

I'll be standing close beside you
With my love and tender care
Just touch your heart and whisper
Remember... I'm right there.

For you I make this promise,
When you turn out the lights...
Somewhere, someone out there still
Makes wishes in the night.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/remember22[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "Remember Me This Way"
by Jordan Hill (Casper Soundtrack)