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~Pure Love~




I've never felt such closeness,
Such trust, so pure and true
A new depth of understanding
Has come out of knowing you.

Real caring for each other
Pushing selfishness aside
A deep, forever kind of friendship
Filled with hope and pride.

You touched my heart intensely
As no one else before
Is it any wonder
I believe our love is pure?

Never treating me with anger
Holding me with tenderness
Sheltering my feelings
Bringing only happiness.

This special gift we've shared
Has brought me so much pleasure
I cherish every moment as
A rare and priceless treasure.

If for a time you ever leave me,
Of this you can be sure
Each drop of love I give you
Is strong, and true and pure.

I will still be waiting, love
Breathlessly for your return
With my arms empty and wide open
And my heart full of concern.

What we have is forever
Beyond all space and time
And nothing else compares to
This pure love you have of mine.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/this1[1][1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "On the Side of Angels"
by Lee Ann Rimes