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~Your Candle~

I Was Loved By You




Whispered prayers in the night
Heard by up above
And so you were sent to me
As God poured out His love.

My candle in the darkness
A mere flickering of a flame
Burning deep inside me
But dampened by my rain.

Your candle was in the distance
A special loving light
And like a moth drawn to a flame
I kept you in my sight.

In tender, honest friendship
You reached out to me
Looking deep inside my heart
Where no one else could see.

You showed me that the past
Was better left behind
The future held the answers
To what I was to find.

Putting aside my reservations,
Lifting up my gentle face
I saw your glimmering light of love
A beacon through time and space.

You listened to my trembling voice
Holding me when I would cry
You comforted and sheltered me
Encouraging me to try.

For even as I made mistakes
You let me find my way
Slow to anger, naught to judge,
Forgiving along the way.

And what was once a flicker
Is now a beam of light
Illuminating shadows
That come in dark of night.

My flame is so much brighter now
And eminates such love
I thank God for whispered prayers
He answers from above.

Thank you for your beautiful flame...
that illuminates my heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/lightup[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "You Light Up My Life"
by Debbie Boone