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~The Other Side Of Me~

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I know no one can understand
How you have touched my heart,
Why I should feel such longing
To be near you, not apart.

Though you do not belong to me
In the mortalness of flesh,
There's a kinship in our spirits
That brings me such happiness.

For had I never found you
I would somehow still be lost
Like a weary wounded traveler
Through this life pushed and tossed

Some part of me was missing
That I longed to discover
And you have been much more to me
Than a simple friend or lover.

The comfort you have given me
The closeness we have shared
The tenderness of your embrace
The way you've shown you cared.

Make you part of my always,
Of what I'll now forever be,
For in you I discovered
The other side of me.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/theotherside[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "The Other Side of Me"
by Michael W. Smith