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~The Poet Laments~





With shadows still upon the walls,
The sun barely starting to rise,
She sits in quiet solitude
And begins her daily reprise.

As pen is put to paper
Sweet phrases she imparts
And writes of deep emotions
All locked within her heart.

As you read the passion in her words
Can you feel her buried desire?
Do they sometimes place within your heart
Some burning, raging fire?

Maybe you can see yourself
Within the words she pens,
And long to open up your heart
To feel such things again.

Do they describe your spirit
The thoughts you choose to hide
Your hurt, your hope, your lonliness
The things you feel inside?

Have you ever ever touched a rainbow?
Or floated on a cloud?
Allowed yourself to taste the rain?
Spoke a fantasy out loud?

Set your dreams to music?
Spun wishes into gold?
Flew higher than the eagles,
On wings that love unfolds?

Embraced the magic of truth,
Been burned by the heat of lust?
Turned anger, hurt or sorrow
Into hope, or faith or trust?

Pouring out her secrets
For strangers eyes to read,
She does it with compulsion
An inner raging need.

To empty out her hopes and dreams
For all the world to see
Puts her troubled mind to rest,
And sets her spirit free.

For now the sun has crested
Reaching high up in the sky,
The writer puts her pen away,
Wipes a tear from her sad eye.

Her heart once more is empty,
Her words for now are spent.
Awakened from her quiet dreams,
The poet now laments.

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