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~Without You~

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The days go by so slowly
Minutes dragging one by one
Now that I'm without you
And the pain has just begun.

Time heals all wounds they tell me,
No matter how wide or deep;
I pretend that you're not really gone
Instead you are asleep.

But the ache that has consumed me
Touches everything I feel.
I pray that this is just a dream
It all seems so surreal.

I have an gnawing burning hunger
That nothing seems to fill.
How can I go on without you
The way I love you still?

This lonliness I carry
Like a cloak around my heart.
How will I fill up my life
Now that we're apart?

Though others stand around me
They dont know what to do.
There's no one who can answer
"What will I do without you?"

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/withoutyou[1][1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Without You" by Lene Levich