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~You Said My Eyes Were Beautiful~





You came into my life softly
Like a quiet summer rain.
A stranger at first, laughing freely with me.
We spoke of minor intimacies,
Finding common ground
And you said my eyes were beautiful...

Trusting you with hidden secrets
I confided deeply in you.
The things that made me happy and sad
What my dreams were;
I became dependent on your smile
Listening for your gentle words.

We took a step closer,
A step others take each day.
Without your trusting ways,
Without your encouraging gaze,
I would never have had the faith
And courage to step ahead.

So drawn to you,
My life became centered
Around the time we spent together.
We traveled the path of friendship
Trying to avoid the bumps,
Keeping in step with one another.

You were my guide along the path;
An unfailing light along the way.
Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder
To a destination I had never seen before.
You became my best friend
The anchor where there had been none.

Somewhere along our path
It was I who stumbled.
Perhaps because I was dizzy with joy
I lost my balance and fell
Not in front of you, or behind
But forward instead.

My plunge was unguided
And my steps were never intended
For I fell in love with you.
And even though I was afraid,
I wasn't sorry for the steps I took
Even the fall I took alone.

You understood me.
Uncanny how you knew my feelings,
My moods and my very thoughts
Frightening at times how you read me.
But did you ever really know why
My eyes were beautiful?

Because they were looking at you...

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Song heard is "If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful"
by Whitney Houston and Jermaine Jackson