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Daisy's Universe - Add your Link

"A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased,
which is more than can be said for human beings."

William Ralph Inge

Add your

Would you like to be apart of our link page? Well it's simple, all you got to do is e~mail me with the following information on the bottom. (In the subject line, put "Link Page")

1. Your Name
2. Your E~Mail Address
3. The name of your site
4. The URL of your site
5. And, A Description of your web site.

The only requirement is that your site must not include any porn.

Once I have your site up on the link page,
I will e-mail you to say it has been put up.

[ See who is on our link page. ]

Daisy's Universe Banner

I got my Background, Strawberry Bullets, and Strawberry Dividers from Graphic

Copyright © 2000-2004 Daisy's Universe. All Rights Reserved.
This page was last updated on January 12, 2004 @ 07:40pm, Central Standard Time.
This site is maintained and operated by Laura