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Daisy's Universe - Adopt an Angel

"The cat sees through shut eyes."
English Proverb

Adopt an

I need a home, and your homepage can be my new home. You can name me anything. Go ahead, download me and my certificate by clicking on me and my certificate and saving us to your hard drive, then you can upload both of us and stick us on your page. Make sure my certificate is right next to me. If you want to, you can e~mail me to tell me that I've been adopted. Thank you and meows to everyone.

Make sure you fill in the blank on the certificate with the new name for your kitty.

Daisy's Universe Banner

I got my Background, Strawberry Bullets, and Strawberry Dividers from Graphic

Copyright © 2000-2004 Daisy's Universe. All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated on January 12, 2004 @ 07:48pm, Central Standard Time.
This site is maintained and operated by Laura