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Daisy's Universe - Banner Exchange

"I have studied many philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior."

Hippolyte Taine


Welcome to BANNER EXCHANGE! Right now I have three banners for you to choose from. If you want to take one of my banners make sure to link the banner back to me at...

Daisy's Universe Banner

Daisy's Universe Banner

Daisy's Universe Banner

If you would like to exchange banners with me, please e~mail me your banner. While you're at it, you can take one of my banners.

Penny's Place

Reflections of Bo

The Girls -- Zena, Scraps and Bonique

Cats 'n Kittens

The Calico Girls

Kitty's Place

Daisy's Universe Banner

I got my Background, Strawberry Bullets, and Strawberry Dividers from Graphic

Copyright © 2000-2004 Daisy's Universe. All Rights Reserved.
This page was last updated on January 12, 2004 @ 08:00pm, Central Standard Time.
This site is maintained and operated by Laura